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Honduras stands out as the second-largest country in the region and boasts the most mountainous terrain in Central America. While agriculture employs 35% of the economically active population in Honduras, the country's geography presents significant challenges due to a reduced proportion of arable land and high levels of degradation and food insecurity. These issues stem from intensive agriculture, deforestation, and extensive grazing. In response to this context, the Blue Harvest project aims to promote Water Smart Agriculture (WSA) practices to restore degraded soils, increase water production, protect coffee production areas, and enhance their landscapes.


hectacres of newly managed land are under restoration approaches in coffee-growing territories


hectacres are under watershed protection


producers are managing the same number of coffee farms

Coffee: A main source of income

Coffee plays a fundamental role in the economy, water management, and soil restoration efforts. Coffee production is one of the country's primary economic activities, accounting for over 5% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and nearly 30% of the agricultural GDP, according to official statistics. This activity is predominantly in the hands of around 100,000 producers, with more than 90% being small-scale producers.

Blue Harvest prioritizes the well-being of coffee growers, their families, and their households. By promoting WSA practices, the project aims to restore landscapes and enhance the productivity and quality of small coffee producers. Additionally, the initiative strengthens connections and relationships between farms, communities, and local stakeholders interested in territorial management, with the objective of establishing a shared vision that promotes restoration, conservation, and improved product commercialization.

In four of the six coffee-growing regions of Honduras, Blue Harvest has formed partnerships with 19 coffee growers' cooperatives to explore new business opportunities with potential buyers committed to paying fair prices and supporting production under WSA practices for water and soil conservation.

areas of focus

On-farm training and technical support

We provide training and expertise in soil and water conservation, soil fertility management, and crop quality to increase agricultural profitability and climate resilience. Together with Honduran coffee organizations, our team seeks to strengthen the capacities of coffee-growing families through participatory methodologies

Water resource management

We monitor and measure water and soil resources using state-of-the-art hydrological and agronomic science, then share data through easy-to-use maps and dashboards for farmers and buyers to understand how their products impact water resources.

Linking producers and buyers

We connect coffee producers with buyers of high-quality, sustainable products, ensuring that agricultural products meet the standards expected by buyers.

Learning and promotion

Blue Harvest partners are committed to learning and continuous improvement. That's why we constantly share and interact with researchers, businesses, and the public sector. We advocate for policies and practices that promote regenerative agriculture and protect water sources.


In El Salvador, Blue Harvest is led by CRS and local NGOs in partnership with innovative coffee roasters, chocolate companies, and other business partners. The work is supported by the Howard G. Buffett Foundation through the Water Smart Agriculture program and the Agricultural Landscape Restoration Initiative.

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