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Climate change

What Water Smart Coffee Milling Looks Like

Kraig Kraft
March 22, 2018
Key Insight

Even better than reading about the impact and the design (more posts coming on these topics!) of the wet mills and the treatment systems would be a great video that shows what is involved and the testimonies from farmers themselves.

In the previous few posts, I’ve been writing about our recent work in Nicaragua, improving the water use efficiency and minimizing the pollution from small coffee wet mills.

You can see these posts here:

  • Wetmill makeovers!
  • What’s the impact of these mills?

Even better than reading about the impact and the design (more posts coming on these topics!) of the wet mills and the treatment systems would be a great video that shows what is involved and the testimonies from farmers themselves.

The video was shot, edited and produced by Morgan Arnold.  Don’t blame him for my stiff face in the first frames…